16 July 2013

Ayurveda Panchakarma - 2

:::::Pradhana karma (Main operative procedure):::::  Cont.

Vasthi karma (Enema)
Vasthi denotes the procedure in which drug is administered through the rectum. In this process the drug is given in the form of decoction, medicated oil and liquid herbal in to the rectum, which has to be retained.  
It is the best treatment for Vatha dosha and its disorders but it is equally effective in Pittha, Kapha and Raktha doshas and their disorders provided the appropriate drugs are added in its preparation. According to types of drugs Vasthi karma is divided in two main types.
  • Anuvasana Vasthi - medicated oils. 
  • Niruha Vasthi - medicated enema of decoctions and medicated oils.

Indications of Vasthi Karma
Mainly indicate for Vatha disorders like arthritis, rheumatism, gout, muscle spasms, backache, and sciatica and joint pains. Other than that Constipation, distention, chronic fever, sexual disorders, kidney stones, heart pain and also helps to rejuvenate the body, provides strength and long life, and improves the complexion and the voice.

Contra-Indications of Vasthi Karma
Vasthi should not be given to persons suffering from bleeding from rectum, diarrhea, cough, shortness of breath, chronic abdominal pain and severe anemia. 

Nasya Karma (Errhine)
The nasal administration of medication is called Nasya. According to Ayurveda the nose is the gateway of the head. So, systematically performed Nasya karma cures almost the diseases of the head easily. It cleanses and opens the channels of the head and improves the oxygenation.
It is particularly useful in the treatment of diseases occurring in the organ is situated above the clavicle and promotes the functions of sensory and motor organs and renders the mouth free of bad smell.

Indications of Nasya Karma
It specifically prevents Stiffness in the head, shoulder, neck,  and jaw, chronic coryza, deviated Nasal septum, tonsillitis, cataract , migraine, shoulder pain,  diseases of mouth, nose, ear and eye, sinusitis, mental disorders parkinsonism, facial Paralysis, hoarseness of voice, toothache and other tooth disorders.  Nasya karma enhances the activity of sense organs and prevents the diseases of head. It also prevents the early aging process.

Contra-Indications of Nasya Karma
Nasya should not be given after head bath or exercise, after having oleation, taking alcohol, water or meal, during hunger and thirst, persons suffering from nasal bleeding, exhaustion, syncope, acute fever and in state of pregnancy.

Raktha Mokshana (Blood letting)
Extraction of vitiated blood from the body by using Shastras (Using surgical instruments) & Anushastras (Using other tools) is known as Rakta Mokshana.

Types of Rakta Mokshana
¤  Using surgical instruments
  • Pracchana (Incision) - Scratching with a sterile scalp is indicated to drain the accumulated blood from a particular point.
  • Shira vedhana (Venipuncture) – It is devised whenever vitiated blood circulates in the body. 
¤  Using other tools

  • Jalouka prayoga (Leach application) - Deep-seated blood can be extracted with the help of leach application.
  • Shringavacharana (Application of horn for aspiration) - Horn of cow or deer to withdraw vitiated superficial blood after scraping, taking the advantage of its hollowness.

  • Alabu (Application of Alabu for cupping) - A fruit of Cucurbita lagnaria or vulgaris is dried and internal part is taken off, the hollow part is used for evacuation of blood by sucking method.

  • Ghati yantra (Cupping method) - To drain the vitiated blood, which has settled in different layers of the skin, cupping is useful.

Indications of Raktha Mokshana
It is useful in Pittha and Raktha doshas. Mainly skin disorders, the diseases which are not respond to other treatment in chronic stage. Chronic heart disease, Acute lobar pneumonia, uremia, acute pulmonary oedema, acute pericarditis, Enlargement of spleen and liver, Blood born diseases, Gout, Tumors and glandular enlargement, Deep venous thrombosis, varicose veins, snake bites and Suffering from poison are responded to blood letting. It increases appetite, relieves Ama dosha and long effect produces pure blood (Shuddha Raktha).

Contra-Indications of Raktha Mokshana
Raktha Mokshana not suitable for pregnant woman, postnatal period, Chronic Jaundice, Impotency, Hemorrhage, Paralysis, Diarrhoea, Vomiting, Dysponea, Ascitis, Anemia and also Below 16 years above 70 years aged persons.  

:::::Pashchath karma (Post operative procedure):::::
Pashchath karma is a third and concluding phase of Pancha karma. It refers to the body after main operative procedure. It involves re-establishment of the digestion and the replenishment of the body tissues that have been detoxified. There are three different types in Pashchath karma.
¤  Sansarjana karma – Restoration of digestive power by advocating specific diet after completion of Shodhana therapy.
¤   Shamana karma – Administration of medicines required to treat the particular disease, after the process of elimination.  
¤ Rasayana karma – Administration of drugs which are amplified energy level, strengthened immune level and also increased longevity.  

Contra-Indication activities during Pancha karma Therapy
v  Speaking loudly
v  Travelling by vehicles
v  Too much walking
v  Continuous sitting
v  Taking diet before the previous meals gets digested
v  Unwholesome diet
v  Sleeping in day time
v  Coitus