16 February 2013

Tridosha Concept

Ayurveda medical science is based on fundamental principles which govern the function of human bodies on the physical and emotional level. Whole body is made up mainly Dosha, Dhathu and and Mala. Dosha means bio energies which control metabolism and all other functions of human body include with mind. Dhathu means all anatomical elements of the body and Mala means all waste products like feces, urine and sweat of human body.

Tridosha is the main concept of Ayurvedic medical science. It includes three sections. They are Vatha Pittha and Kapha. The equilibrium of these doshas provide complete health and imbalance of these doshas lead to various disorders.

Vatha is the most important part of Thidosha concept. It is a combination of air and space. Vatha is light, cool, dry and can move like wind.
Vatha is located at large intestine, hip area, thigh area, ears, bones, bone marrows, skin legs, foot and all part under the umbilical region. It is being responsible for all movements in whole body include with mental activities. Including such as blood circulation, respiration, nerve impulses, speech, sensation, motivation and contraction of muscles, hearing, touch, excretion, sexual acts, formation of foetus, and feelings like fear, grief, anxiety and enthusiasm.
When imbalance of Vatha dosha may lead to a wide range of complications like anxiety, arthritis, Osteoporosis, constipation, skin dryness, mental confusion and disconnected speech.
Prana Vatha, Udana Vatha, Samana Vatha, Vyana Vatha and Apana Vatha are five sub divisions of Vatha Dosha.

Pittha dosha is a combination of fire and water. It has hot, sharp, oily, light and mobile qualities. Pittha is located at stomach, pancreas, small intestine, blood, eyes, skin, taste, synovial membrane, sweat gland and around the umbilical region.
It is being responsible for all metabolic activities in whole body such as feeling hunger and thirst, digestion of foods, makes skin colour, maintains the body temperature, transformation of all material, converts images into optic nerve impulses and comprehension of information into knowledge.
When out of balance they tend toward gastritis, diarrhea, heart burn, Hypertension, migraine, anger, infections, skin disorders and weakness in the liver, spleen and blood.
There five sub divisions in Pittha dosha. They are Pachaka Pittha, Bhrajaka Pittha, Ranjaka Pittha, Sadhaka Pittha and Alochaka Pittha.

Kapha dosha is a fusion of water and earth. It is cool, heavy, moist, dull and dense. Lungs, throat, head, joints, fat, nose, tongue, taste and mainly thoracic region associate with Kapha.
It provides the structures and lubrication in the body. Kapha relates to produce healthy offspring, prevent excessive friction from occurring between the various parts of the body, perform strength of physical body and maintain stability of mind.
When imbalance of Kapha dosha may lead to various types of disorders such as congestion, Obesity, allergies, swelling, thirst, asthma, cough somnolence and Sinus problems.
Kleshaka Kapha, Sleshaka Kapha, Bodhaka Kapha, Tharpaka Kapha and Awalambaka Kapha are five types of Kapha Dosha.