10 May 2013

Ayurveda Panchakarma - 1

 Ayurveda medicine emphasized on the importance of developing individuals own immune system to preserve health. It helps a person to maintain good physical and mental health and managing of health care to achieving a long and healthy life. Ayurveda prescribes two main types for the cleansing of body toxins. According to their main purpose divided in to Shamana karma and Shodhana karma. Panchakarma is classified under the Pradhana karma of Shodhana karma.
Shodhana karma is comprised of therapeutic procedure of advanced treatment for the evacuation of Dosha imbalance and the Ama which forms as a result from the body. Shodhana karma can be divided in to 3 procedures. They are;
Purva karma (Pre operative procedure)
Pradhana karma (Main operative procedure)
Pashchath karma (Post operative procedure)

:::::Purva karma (Pre operative procedure):::::
It refers to the preparation of body before going to proceed for main operative procedure. There are four different methods in Purva karma. Deepana, Pachana, Snehana and Swedana. Purva karma is necessary for the body to achieve the complete benefits of Panchakarma. Purva karma can complete in one day or over many days.
Deepana Essential for stimulated appetite.
Pachana Initiate the digestive fire, without increasing dosha.
Snehana – It is oleation therapy. Based on mode of application, Snehana may be classified into two types; Bahya (external) and Abhyantara (internal). It makes the body soft and disintegrates the toxins.
Swedana Swedana means  sweating process immediately after the Snehana. An herbal decoction may be added to the steam to further loosen the toxins from the individual. Swedana liquefies the toxins and increases the movement of toxins into the gastro-intestinal tract. There are 4 types of Swedana. They are Tapa (Direct heat), Ushma (With steam), Upanaha (Poultice) and Drava (Warm liquid).

:::::Pradhana karma (Main operative procedure):::::
            There are five types of main operative procedure which are popularly known as Panchakarma. It is a Sanskrit word means ‘Five Action’. Otherwise it is five types of therapeutic procedure. They are;
  1. Vamana Karma (Emesis)
  2. Virechana Karma (Purgation)
  3. Vasthi Karma (Enema)
  4. Nasya Karma (Errhine)
  5. Raktha Mokshana (Blood letting)

Vamana Karma (Emesis)

Vamana Karma is therapeutic vomiting after the oral administration of herbal drugs. It is the best therapy for eliminate the waste product formed due to improper functioning of the body constituents through the upper gastro-intestinal track. It is the cleansing procedure, which expels particularly the augmented Kapha and Pittha. By this treatment, the imbalance part of Kapha and Pittha dosha is totally eliminated from its root (stomach) through the mouth.

Indications of Vamana Karma
specially indicate for the patients suffering from Indigestion, Poor digestion, Acute fever, Tuberculosis, Diarrhea, Anemia, Bleeding per rectum, Diabetes, Skin Diseases, Mental disorders, Food poisoning, Allergic bronchitis, Bronchial asthma, Excessive salivation, Indigestion, Epilepsy, Obesity, Anorexia, Stomatitis, Pharyngitis, Rhinitis and 20 types of Kapha diseases.

Contra-Indications of Vamana Karma
Pregnant women, Emaciated people, Children, Old age people, Hunger, Heart disease, Headache, Retention of urine, Spleen disorders, Tumors and Eye diseases.

Virechana Karma (Purgation)
Virehana is medicated purgation therapy, it is the cleansing of the Pittha and the purification of the blood toxins from the body that are accumulated in the liver and gallbladder, and it completely cleanses the gastro - intestinal tract. It is mainly aims to eliminate dosha that cannot be removed by Vamana karma. After the oral administration of drugs that stimulate bowel movements are ingested for the expulsion of excess Pittha and other dosha via the rectum. The process of purgation normally start within two hours of taking the purgatives. Drinking hot water stimulates it. The feces discharge turns fluid after several bowel movements.

Indications of Virechana Karma
Specially indicated for the patients suffering from Skin diseases, Fever, Obstinate urinary disorders including diabetes, Liver disorders, disorders of Thyroid gland, Headache, Suppression of urination, Anemia, upward movement of air in the abdomen, Stomatitis, Burning sensation in the eyes- face, Jaundice, Epilepsy, Insanity, Gout, Anorexia, Fistula-in-ano, Piles, Fissure, Obstinate abdominal diseases including ascites, Splenic disorders, Indigestion, Oedema, Constipation and all other vitiated Pittha related disorders.

Contra-Indications of Virechana Karma
Delicate persons, Prolapsed rectum, Bleeding from rectum or vagina or urethra, Emaciation, Old persons, Children, Pregnant women, Tuberculosis, Diarrhea, Excessive oleation, Excessive coitus.


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  2. Nice post,so helpful.Panchakarma (five actions) is a cleansing and rejuvenating program for the body, mind and consciousness. It is known for its beneficial effects on overall health, wellness and self-healing.

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